I am happy to say that things feel a lot brighter this evening. The Canadian osteopath has given me a lift after the physical stress of the weekend and in return I am ceasing to refer to him as the "Mad Canadian". On more than one occasion he has queried why I use the term, as he considers himself to be very grounded. That is reason enough to persist, but as he is doing a good job for me I will be "nice". I conjured the term as an expression of his diversity and also because the term "Mad Canadian" seems to be an oxymoron.
Thanks to him anyway in helping to get me back on track.
Being in good physical and mental shape is of importance when tackling the agenda of the next three days, which will probably be the toughest of my whole treatment program.
Once again there is a real convergence and I am no longer just able to "barrel" my way through. I will be as focused as usual but the itinerary will be more difficult for me to handle with reduced physical capability.
Although I do look a bit pallid at the moment though not outright anaemic but my energy levels still leave plenty to be desired, but that isn't surprising.
I haven't done any Chi-Kung for the last days and this has been a stabilising force for me so I will be off into the back garden as soon as I finish scribing this. I really will look like a nutter standing there still in the pitch dark with my shaved head. Perhaps I should sell card board cut-outs of the image for people to place in their gardens at night? It would keep both the burglars and the foxes away.
Coming from a family of nutters there's no change there then. Love Cymraes XXX