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Sunday, 1 August 2010

A Social Week

Despite the madness on the medical front this week Kitten and I have been able to find some time to enjoy ourselves.

On Tuesday, I went out for a bite with Big John.  We have been saying that we will touch base for a while and apart from being Big John starring as himself, he is one of the dads from school and football and husband to 15 - Love (the tennis coach who I mentioned meeting whilst ice-skating a while back).

Kitten got off to the gym as there were no sleeping children to worry about and Big John and I set off for a pizza.  Neither of us were drinking and I took a discount voucher for the meal.  Nevertheless, we elected to leave our handbags and "lippy" at home and indulged in old fashioned conversation rather than banter.  All very strange for two grown men but entertaining.  Big John was at the same school as me though five years younger and I never knew of him whilst I was there but it was interesting comparing to the backgrounds of how we emerged from the place.  Cheers, for a good night out Big John.

It may not seem significant that Kitten and I have enjoyed some time to ourselves this week but it is an oasis within a difficult period both as individuals and in managing our little family.

Aside from our stroll in town on Friday, we went out last night for a quick bite to eat.  On the way there I showed that I have lost none of my magic charm and neither have I lost the immediate ability to negate it.

As we were walking down the street towards the restaurant the sun was hanging low but above the roof-line and straight into our eyes.  Kitten purred that she loved sunny evenings but I countered by saying that I hated the sun so low because I could not see anything.  I paused and said

"But I can see you clearly and you are beautiful". 

Kitten smiled at me and melted a little, so I followed on with

"Perhaps you are all I need to see".

I saw the "Home Run" lights flash in the stadium before adding "I'm doing well aren't I" and was promptly judged to have been caught at the boundary.

Today we even managed to catch up with  "Car Crash" and his long-suffering "Mrs Forgiving".  

Car Cash and I have been friends since we met in a pub when we were eighteen.  He is also a Welsh lad and had been living in England for a couple of years when I met him.  I was very proud to be his best man when he and Mrs Forgiving married some five years later.

Car Crash is named as such simply because he has had no less than twenty two car crashes and yet is still able to get insurance and drive on a public road.  Not only that but he owns a chain of shops and spends his time going up and down our motorways. Perhaps I should put his number plate on here as a gesture of care to anyone who is reading.

All banter aside, we have not had the opportunity to catch up (other than by the occasional snatched telephone conversation), so it was good to go to theirs for lunch and have a chat and a laugh too.

We were due over at Notoplip's and Sushi's this evening but, whilst we are chilling, they are suffering the joys of having two kids to look after including a two year old who is, apparently, in full flight this afternoon. Good luck to them.

Special mention to SandD who have had another tough week.  Our thoughts are with you.

I have spend the last few days getting through the chemotherapy and adjusting to the radiotherapy.  As this treatment is "last chance saloon", I will be picking up the good vibes over the coming weeks and doing my best to get myself out of this unholy mess that I am in.

Being happy and hopeful are the best weapons that I have to offer at this stage of the game.  The rest is in the lap of the gods.


  1. I am now enlightened on Big John's identity!
    Glad you both found time to be just 2.
    Am on hospital visits now for 2 days before 'getting out of here!'
    Won't be able to read blogs after weds but sure kitten will keep me 'in the loop'!

  2. Teach, have a lovely break. Thoroughly deserved. Take a big fat metaphorical "chill pill".

    Good luck with the hospital events.

    Also, don't worry about the little princess, Kitten tells me that she will be looked after.
