I've just got back from the hosptial and my last scheduled chemotherapy session is over.
I was in a much better state than I was for last week's transfusion and managed pretty well. There was a wobbly moment when we left but I am comfortable in the "safety" of my own environment.
What will be interesting will be the impact of the chemotherapy effect on the vastly reduced choice of foods that I have. I hope that it does not serve to diminish the choice further.
There is no doubt that some of the issues I have had recently have been "in my head", but I think that reasonable given that there has been a strong impact on my physicality over the last couple of weeks. The deterioration in eating has been the toughest to get a grip on. Going forward I only have to worry about making it through the last couple of weeks of radiotherapy, whilst trying to minimise the discomfort and keeping the calorie count up.
All in all it's "Happy Dayz".
well done you xx