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Sunday, 5 December 2010

The Mood Brightens a Little

Once again, thanks for all the messages of encouragement.  Today has been a little better all round.

The news regarding my dad has all been fairly positive and they are letting the physios loose on him tomorrow.  My mam seems in reasonable spirits and I have been in regular contact as well as taking advantage of the miracle that is Skype video calling.

There  have been several visits in the last few days.  Firstly, from Notoplip then Billy the Fish, Car Crash and Tricky Crow.  More on those later.

My main personal aim has just been to get some stability going.  What I mean by that is to get myself into a situation where I can spend some decent time with at least Kitten and the kids.

The main obstacle to that is to get food in and keep it down.  I have been rigorous with my drug regime and with resting in an attempt to make that happen, but also fighting a battle with nausea.  Today has been better than yesterday because I have had two shakes (so about a 1000 calories) and kept them down.  I will be attempting another 500 calorie meal before retiring and, if I can manage and hold that then I will be in a better  place.

I am not setting my goal high, rather I am trying to rebuild a platform that I can operate from and continue to build on.

1 comment:

  1. Rumps was really sorry to hear your news. Not been around the barc. board as much this year as have been out of the "banks"
    Glad to see you are still posting and giving the odd gentlemanly "slap" when required.
    I have read your blog and your friends and family sound wonderful. I send you all my very best wishes
    x Changeling
