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Tuesday 1 February 2011

Suffolk Cancelled

It is with some regret that I have cancelled my trip to Suffolk.

There has been a deterioration in my physical health over the last couple of days that will make the journey very difficult.

It is a bit of a hammer blow because I wanted the sessions to boost me, however, weighing up the journey, the different location, organisation of food and so on I find it difficult to imagine that it will do anything other than drain me.

Kitten's parents are here as they were to look after the children.  They will be here but staying with our good friends and neighbours "The Chelsea's"


  1. Rumps, so sorry to hear that. This may sound stupid but is there anything the healer can do via the phone?
    The only reason I ask is that i bought a horse from Ireland some years ago that was picked up for me by a friend. I wanted him for eventing but he was scared of his own shadow to the point of being dangerous. Some guy phoned me one day and told me that he had been given my number by another friend who he treated and she had told him about this horse. To cut a long story short he had "tuned in" to the horse to make him feel better but also said that the horse was scared of drowning as he had seen another horse drown,some years later I was chatting to my Irish friend who had been back to the same old guy who was saying that if my horse had been female he would have kept him to breed foals from as his mother had fallen over a cliff that bordered the field and drowned in the sea. The strange thing was that after the call the horse suddenly seemed to get over his issues.
    I know it sounds odd and trust me I've never held with that kind of thing but I swear to you it is true. I thought the bloke was a nut when he phoned.
    I feel a bit of a lunatic as well posting this but could your healer help in that way?

    Changeling (who would like to remain truly annon. just in case the men in white coats come to call!)

  2. I am so sorry to hear that you cant make your planned trip, and that you are feeling so weak.

    I am also going to add something to the last post that could line me up to be dragged off by the men in white coats!
    Rather strangely its also about a horse. I have ex race horses and I was riding one of them in a lane near where I live one Sunday morning, a friend was riding behind me. We approached a bend and I could hear a car coming towards us and it was going really fast. As the car appeared from the bend, it started to skid, for a moment it was screeching head on towards me, I thought my time had come. As the car got closer, it skided to the other side of the road and then back towards us, it knocked me and my horse to the ground but smashed into the horse behind me. Both horses jumped up and trotted away towards the bend, my friend was in a bad way on the ground, but all I could think of was what was going to come around the bend next. So I jumped up and hobbled after the horses, calling my horse's name. My horse stopped and turned around and started trotting back to me, as my friends horse turned to follow I could see the horrific injury it had sustained.When the vet arrived he spent four hours stitching my friends horse back together and the horse stood at the back of his stable leaning against the wall.Each day the horse looked more and more depressed, he would not come to front of the stable and he leaned against the wall. The vet was very concerned and we all feared the worst. I have a friend who is a healer, she doesnt shout about it but I have seen her pull off some very strange things. If I hadnt seen this with my own eyes I would never have believed it, and like the previous post I am sceptical of stuff like this.
    The Healer went into the stable for half an hour,she put her hands over the horse and spoke to the horse, she said the horse had a lot of pain in a couple of places and that she had eased the pain with her hands. Although she didnt actually really touch the horse. After about half an hour she came out of the stable and we stood in the yard and talked, the horse moved away from the back of the stable and came to the stable door, he put his head in the air and let out a loud neigh, his ears were pricked up and his eyes looked bright. I was gob smacked, it takes a lot to make me speechless but to me it was a miracle. The horse went on to make a decent recovery.
    Doesnt make any sense and sounds bonkers but I swear it is the honest truth.
    Miracles can happen sometimes.
    Love Sue x

  3. Rumps - on what basis can you get the person from Suffolk to come and see you .....

    If it was made "important enough" to him/her then that person would surely make the trip?

    It would be just one day of the healers time ....

    Try that approach perhaps ...

  4. Read your blog this morning, and the attached comments, thought I'd add one of my own.

    I know someone who runs healing rooms at a church in Colliers Wood,it's little bit nearer than Suffolk. Here's the website address
    If you're interested and you would like to go you can give them a ring, or I can contact them for you.

    Anything is worth a go......and anything is possible.

    C & D XX

  5. Keep writing, we're still listening
