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Monday 7 February 2011

Into the Hospice

I will be admitted to the hospice either tomorrow, or in the next few days, to work on making me as comfortable as possible through drug control.

I am taking an array of drugs but am still having too much sickness and other discomfort.

Being on-site they will be able to monitor me closely and will be especially focused on the anti-sickness.

I am likely to be away for a few days, which will be the first time of any length.


  1. The Enochians will be thinking of you and sending all our love.I hope that they can do something for you. We hate to see you suffer. You know if there is anything we can do let us know.
    Love T.C.

  2. It's tough to be away from home and your lovely Kitten and children but if they can get you stabilised on a course of drugs that makes you feel more comfortable it will help with your return home in a better condition.
    Sickness in itself is so wearing that if they can help alleviate it you will feel so much better.
    Stay strong in your endeavour to get that time you desire. You have an amazing strength of character and you can acheive this.
    Harness your mind, I have faith in you.
    Best wishes
    Changeling x

  3. Hospice staff are incredibly dedicated and experienced in palliative care. I'm sure they will be able to make a difference. Thinking of you and yours as always.

    Shed (iii)

  4. Hi swordfish

    My thoughts are with you,I am sure they will sort your medication out and you will feel a bit better.
    Look forward to hearing that you are back home.
    Best wishes to your family.
    Love Sue x

  5. Thinking of you Rumps. I hope you get the comfort you so much need.

  6. Sorry to hear all of these, Rumps. I really do feel for your family and you.

    Anyway, I am only one person but one of the many that do think of you and your family having to go through all of this.

    Best wishes,
    WT Frost.

  7. Hello littleman,it was good to see you saturday and play with your nipple.I know you liked it in your own little way and I will continue to visit you and your nipples ,love you man.I hear there are some hoovtens about,be carefull they are everywhere.

  8. Thank you for those thoughts, Notoplip :-)

  9. We are thinking about you and are sending all of our love

  10. Heres to getting you stablised and feeling better.
    Roll on to the time you are back home with your family.

    Best wishes,
    Mick (Mugger)

  11. Thinking of you and sending all our love
    Rachel & Justin xxx

  12. I am thinking of you and will be there for anything kitten and little m's need during your time in the hospice.
    Love Teach xx

  13. plughole man and my uncle playing with eachothers nipples hmmmm i shall express my thoughts on this at a later date i think lots of love coatred xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. Hospice staff are magnificent, you, Kitten and the children will all feel the benefit.
    Holding you all in my prayers.
    God Bless

  15. Thinking of you Rumps! Hoping the visit helps and you get some well deserved peace and rest!

    Praying for you and your family, feel better!

    Wall St.
