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Saturday 12 February 2011

update from kitten

Swordfish has been at the hospice since Tuesday.

The care he is receiving is superb. The staff are understanding, compassionate and flexible without being overbearing or authoritative.

They listen so well and have as much time for you as you need. They support all of us equally and I am humbled.

The main objective was to help Swordfish become more comfortable with the medication he is taking. Each medicine has an effect and a side effect; so, often a further medicine is required!
The syringe driven meds seem to be helping with the sickness but he is so much weaker than last week.

Some of the meds are making him very drowsy during they day. His parents and I have sat with him for many hours over the past few days and he has slept gently for much of this time. Having said that, some of the time he has been more than capable of managing his conversations with the doctors and deciding on treatments.

As the liver is diseased and where it is situated below the diaphragm, Swordfish has been subjected to long bouts of hard hiccups. Two nights ago the lasted over 4 hours. They are very painful and constant. And probably very tiring too.

Unfortunately, just to add to the discomfort, Swordfish took a fall in the early hours one morning. He simply lost his footing and fell onto his right side. The ribs and probably the liver have taken a fair knock and so now, of course, there is medication for the pain. Anyone who has ever had a bump to the ribs will appreciate the discomfort.

His food intake is very little although at times he says he has an appetite but what ever he eats doesn't satisfy. The staff made a strawberry milkshake with Nesquick and ice cream this evening which went down very nicely though.

I left him dozing in the knowledge that he is in good hands, well loved and Wales beat Scotland in the rugby. We had the match on in his room and he did manage a glimpse or two as the Welsh scored.

I will continue to keep you all informed and I apologise if I ramble.


  1. Kitten,
    You have not rambled. Far from continue to be as brave as Swordfish.
    I was worried having not heard from either of you.
    Keep going and please tell Swordfish that I did cheer on the Welsh and I do miss the Saturday morning discussions about the sporting, cultural and tribal differences between the Welsh and the English. BUT we share the same love of CFC!
    My love to the kids and I will be saying a prayer tonight for you all.

  2. Hello Kitten

    Thankyou for the update on Swordfish.

    Never a day goes by when he is not on my mind.

    I hope the faith healer from Suffolk and Swordfish managed to make the connection?

    Best Wishes


  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to post on the blog, having so much to think about.
    You are one amazing couple, I only wish I knew you both.
    Remembering you all in my prayers.
    God Bless

  4. Hello Kitten

    Thanks for the update, I can only imagine what you and your kids are going through, must be an awful to see someone loved so much so poorly and unable to do anything.

    My thoughts are with you all today and everyday.

  5. Kitten it is so kind of you to spare the time to keep us all informed on this blog.
    Life must be so hectic for you at the moment.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and and your family

  6. Hi Kitten
    Thank you for the update I, like many, have been wondering how things were going for you all.
    It must be so hard for you, feeling helpless, but you are doing one of the most amazing things that a woman can do for the man she loves.
    You are the "constant" in his life and the strength at present and we are all in awe of you.
    Best wishes
    Changeling x

  7. Hi Kitten

    Thank you so much for updating us. I have been thinking about you all a lot, and was pleased to hear from you. I would not describe your post as rambling in any shape or form. You are an example to us all, and amaze me with your strength and grace. This is such a difficult time that its hard to put things into words really,and I guess that everyone who is reading this blog feels very strongly in support of you both and what you are all enduring at the moment.
    I really appreciate you keeping us up to date, and although I dont know you, I really feel as if I do know you.You feel like friends and I genuinly care what is happening to you all.
    Now who's rambling!!

    All my very best wishes love Sue x

  8. Hi Kitten,

    I Wish you and Rumps peace and comfort. Hope Rumps recuperates and is strong enough to go home again soon.

