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Tuesday 8 February 2011

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Swordfish was admitted into the hospice late this morning. He has a large room and bathroom and windows that overlook the gardens. There is even a small patio outside his door if he wanted to sit and take in the beautiful springlike weather.

Oddly there is also a small bbq!?!

The objective is to get Swordfish into a more comfortable state and one thing suggested a while ago was a syringe driver. A canula is placed sub - cutaneous and will supply a regular amount of medicines directly into his system. This is already in place and hopefully he will benefit soon.

It's very strange not having him here. I miss him terribly but I know he is in the right place at the moment. It's open visiting and the staff are very welcoming and so very helpful.


  1. God bless Rumps.


  2. Dearest Kitten, thank you for the comment...we feel just so helpless, and can imagine how difficult it is for you and how you miss Rumps not being at home for the moment, but as you say this will benefit Rumps which in turn will help you knowing he is more confortable...our hearfelt love to you all as always Lou & Stu....Is soup ok on the BBQ??!!! xxxxxxxx

  3. Kitten
    Stay strong. You are example to those of us that sometimes forget what love is
    Best wishes
    Changeling x

  4. Hi

    It is good that "Rumps" is now in the right place for the moment and in hands that are experienced in this area. I hope that this will be of benefit for all parties concerned. Will be keeping an eye on here as usual for updates.

    All the very best


  5. Hospices in my experience are incredibly positive environments, I have seen them work wonders more than once in recent years. I'm confident that Swordfish will return home revived and in a much better place.

    Best wishes to you all


  6. Kitten

    Thank you for keeping us up to date. My thoughts are with you and Swordfish every day.
    A few months ago when I was at the hospital with my Dad waiting to see the Oncologist, my Dad and I met a husband and wife couple who were also waiting. The man had a syringe driver and lifted up his jumper to show it to us. They told us he had had it fitted for over 10 months and that it had made a huge difference to the daily routine.They told us some funny stories about the coach trips that they both went on at two weekly intervals. I know all cancers are different but hope that Swordfish can get some similar comfort. I would give the coach trips a miss though if I were you!
    Love Sue x

  7. The bbq turns out to be a small table and chairs covered for the winter.

    Easy mistake to make!!?

  8. If made of wood could still make an excellent (one-time) BBQ though....?

  9. Kitten. Its good to know that Rumps is in a good place with the best care. God speed him home, so he can be with those who love him most.

    Paul the Banker (and Mrs Paul the Banker). XX
