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Wednesday 2 February 2011

Shifting Sands and Healers

The news today is that I have had blood test results that show that I am anaemic again and I will be going into the hospital to be have a transfusion tomorrow.

Also, my white blood cell count is up, showing that there is likely to be an infection brewing so I have been put onto antibiotics.

I note that there has been some discussions about methods of healing and healers ability to travel.  The travel issue is really down to well established healers having books of business.  They have other clients who they cannot let down by allocating a large block of time to an individual.  Indeed I had to book a month ahead for my own appointment.

There are varying media for healing including "distant healing" for which I could be accommodated but it is not the same as face to face.  My wife actually suggested the telephone and his P.A. said that he had not ever done it.  Surprisingly though he has said that he will.   Whether or not I will be able to take the call or not depends on when it comes as I will now be in hospital tomorrow.


  1. Hi Rumps
    Have to admit I felt like a fool as I wrote that post simply because it sounded a bit hippy dippy but I promise you it did happen. If he will try the phone that is fantastic, now just have to hope that you will be back to take the call.
    As always I send you and yours my best wishes. There are so many people rooting for you, people that come on to the blog and read and don't comment but care nonetheless.
    If wishes were horses......
    Changeling x

  2. I am sure you will feel stronger after the blood transfusion.
    Be assured of my continuing prayers for you all.
    God Bless

  3. To Changeling. You don't have to feel 'hippy dippy' about your post. I have seen a lot stranger things happen. Although I am science based & a sensible person, there are many things in this world beyond the rational but it does not make them any less valid.

  4. Good luck Rumps, you will get the to you all as always Lou & Stu xxxxx

  5. Hope your visit to hospital goes well, and you feel a bit stronger for it.

    I feel quite annoyed that you can't get a healer willing to put themselves out a bit for you. Come on Healers we need help here!!!!

    I hope you get the phone call, and are able to recieve it, please let us all know as I am sure everyone who reads your blog are all wishing so hard for a miracle for you.

    Please everyone send your strongest message of support and strength We are multi dimensional beings. We must try and help create a miracle.

    Love Sue xx

  6. Sue, the issue isn't about finding a healer to visit. It is about one specific one.

  7. Hi Swordfish
    Sorry I misunderstood. I hope you can sort it out and that your hospital visit went well today.

    Love and best wishes

    Sue xxx
