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Tuesday 15 February 2011

a short message

Swordfish has asked me to write a short blog entry. These are his words.

I am sorry for the lack of entries to the blog recently.

I am very weak now and my capacity to concentrate is very limited. This is down to both the drugs and the progression of the disease.

Kitten and I will endeavour to write a blog together in the next couple of days.


  1. Hi Rumps & Kitten, Sorry to hear about your fall
    and the hiccups. You can do without optional extras like that, I'm sure. As Kitten said hospices do a wonderful job. They will do their
    very best to make you more comfortable. Your mates on the BB are thinking of you...

    Shed (iii BARC BB)

  2. Hi Kitten,
    Please let Rumps know there is no need to be sorry. Not making an entry is as good as making an entry. Being unable to make entries along the way on this journey is part of reality. Days without an entry tell their own story.

    God bless you all.


  3. Thanks for filling in this blog until Rumps returns & I can only echo Shed's comments. I wish him all the very best in seeing at least some improvement in his general condition as soon as possible.

    I'd love to say more to someone I highly respect, not least for his intelligence & enormous courage shown throughout this illness (qualities I'm sure both of you share), but what more can one say to a consummate realist like you, Rumps, other than my thoughts are with you.

    FWIW, I too am a hardened realist, but though the idea of spontaneous remission may seem to belong in the domain of miracles, for a significant number of individuals it's a fact. - I know you'll never abandon all hope. - My very best wishes!

  4. Hi Rumps and Kitten
    Just do whatever it is you feel you need to do whether it's updating the blog or not.
    We will still keep our vigil here, waiting and hoping.....
    Best wishes
    Changeling x

  5. Hi Kitten & Rumps, just feel so just concentrate on to you both & all family Lou & Stu xxxx

  6. Thank you Kitten. We're still here thinking and wishing and always hoping.

    Please take good care of yourself too.


  7. Dear Kitten and Swordfish
    Like all of the others have written, we will always be here checking the blog.If you are able to write something we are grateful and very humbled by your totally unselfish approach to life. If you can’t write we all think about you and continue to pray for you all and hope for a miracle.
    Either way we are all with you in thoughts and spirit.
    Please pass on all of our thoughts to Swordfish if he feels strong enough to hear about it. I hope it gives some small comfort to know that a lot of people really care about you and the journey you are travelling together.
    Peace and hope be with you both.
    Very best wishes always
    Love Sue x

  8. Godspeed man.


  9. It is good to hear from you, but writing on the blog must be the very least of your worries.
    As an unknown friend I continue to pray for you, Kitten, the children, parents and all your family.
    May each one of you know the peace that passes all understanding.
    God Bless

  10. Just to let you know that we have been following your blog and thinking about you.
    Sending you and your family our love,
    God bless
    Chan & family x

  11. Sending you all lots of love..
    R & J xx

  12. Swordfish, I only met you a short time ago, you make quite an impression & that's been magnified infinitely through reading your blog - all the comments of many others clearly moved following it mirror that effect you have & I hope you both feel some of that in return.
    I think of you often & really wish all the possible comfort for you & your family in this time.

  13. Swordfish (and Kitten)
    I am always thinking of you and will continue to say a prayer for you both and the kids.
    Love Mark and the family

  14. Rumps & Kitten,

    Praying for you both to remain as strong as you are and for Rumps to regain some strength. Wishing things get better and for some peace and happiness to sweep into your lives.

    Best wishes,

    Wall St.

  15. Please dont be sorry if you can't make an entry. You need to concentrate on yourself and get your strength back. You are always in our thoughts anyway and we continue to hope that things improve really soon.

  16. Love to you Rumps. We are all everywhere. Energy is immortal. I say a prayer for you and your beloved family and one for something divine. x jaytour

  17. Kitten and Rumps. You remain an inspiration to everyone that you touch via this blog. May you both find peace, and strength. There are so many people rooting for you both, and wishing we could do something to help. Love to you both, and your family. Paul the Banker, and Mrs PTB. XX

  18. Hope Rumps has a comfortable weekend and kitten gets some respite. The BARC board has had a respectable day today with very little bickering. Must be because someone is missing... and no I didn't mean Rumps. Not posted before but often thought about you and yours.
    Take care

  19. Hi Rumps
    Just a short note to say I am still thinking about you and hoping that you are OK.
    We will continue to maintain our watch whilst willing you on with our hearts
    Best wishes
    Changeling x

  20. Here in cyber space we're all still thinking of you everyday and sending our silent support to you all.


  21. Hi
    Thinking about you all, and echoing Diana'a comments
    Love and best wishes
    Sue x
