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Monday 21 February 2011

the next stage

Over the last few days there have been many ups and downs.

Swordfish has had moments of appearing bright and relaxed and moments of feeling very troubled. There have been tender moments and typical Swordfish moments of calling out the best travel route back to the office to his collegues who dropped by.

However, the overall picture is one of rapid deterioration. Last week he spoke of feeling comfortable both physically and emotionally, content in his environment. Today was very different. He managed to convey with difficulty how frustrated he is with the confusion he has, how uncomfortable he feels emotionally and he spoke of intense physical pain throughout his body.

Pain is something he has never suffered with to the degree he mentioned today. Even up to yesterday he managed to tell me there was little pain.

This pain may be physical but it appears far deeper than that; an emotional pain that no one should feel nor witness.

Following his fall he has had problems getting in and out of bed and this morning he said he didn't think he could do that anymore.

A lengthy discussion with the wonderful doctors led to a joint decision by them, myself and his parents that sedation would be the gentle way to control his symptoms and relieve his discomfort and anxiety. He sleeps most of his time, waking sometimes with a smile that will warm anyones heart. But there is so much we don't see.

I want him to feel relaxed, at ease if that is at all possible.

And so he gently sleeps, aware we are with him, holding hands and talking softly.

I will update again xx


  1. Hello Kitten

    Thankyou for the update on Swordfish.

    My thoughts are with your goodself and your family.


  2. thanks for the update kitten, l no how hard it is to see someone you love in pain and suffering, my thoughts are with you and your family, and may you find comfort in that we all on the barc board are with you in mind and spirit.

  3. Just as you are with Swordfish, our thoughts and prayers are with you Kitten.

    God Bless


  4. You, Rumps and the family are in our thoughts as always.


  5. Rumps, Kitten,

    My prayers are with you and the children.


  6. Dear Kitten
    You post tonight moved me to tears and my heart aches for you and all that you are facing with such bravery.Your deep love for Swordfish is so evident from your words as you and his family seek to ease his path.
    Stay strong if you can, keep talking he will hear you.
    He must feel so much more at ease to have you with him at this time.
    Remember to look after yourself too
    Changeling x

  7. Dear Kitten
    Your post also moved me to tears, my thoughts are with you and your strength is amazing.
    Please take care

    Love Sue x

  8. Thanks for the update - you have been in my thoughts a lot over the past week. You are an amazing woman with incredible strength, exactly what he needs by his side a the moment. Tears are rolling down my face as I write. Please also take some time to look after yourself and your wonderful children.
    Chris xx

  9. The community that has been created by this site is keeping a vigil too in the hope that the immense emotion that this site has generated can now be of help to you, your children, Swordfish's parents and Swordfish himself if only in some small way.

    I speak for this enormous circle of friends that you & Swordfish created, we're now here for you.


  10. Like others I had tears in my eyes reading this last night.
    I have never met either of you but cant help thinking of you both and hope and pray things are as well as they can be.
    Both of you, have shown immense strength of character and humility through this.
    Kitten, you are his rock, be strong for him.

  11. I to have shed a few tears like others we all feel for you both.

    i WISH

  12. Kitten,
    you and Swordfish are truly special people.
    Thinking of you all the time.
    Love and deep respect from Mark and family.

  13. Kitten
    I too have shed a few tears. Thank you for the update, I know it must be hard.

    Our thoughts are with you all the time. Xxx

  14. I would like to add my feelings of sympathy and admiration to the ones above, we share your pain - at least in part!

    All the very best to you all.


  15. Dear Kitten,you and Swordfish are an endearing example to us all. How I wish I knew you both it would have been a privilege.
    Be assured of my prayers for you all.
    I know another family going through exactly the same illness right now, I never cease to be amazed at the strength God gives to all at times of deep sufffering.
    God Bless you all.

  16. I wouldn't normally comment like this, but I see your situation from a different perspective than many. Some people touch me very deeply. You are one of them. Hang on in there.

  17. Hi, Kitten
    We are following your updates on Swordfish and are grateful that we know what is happening as this must be a very soul searching time for you the children and Swordfish's Mum, Dad & Sister, please pass on our deepest love to you all especially swordfish.
    Auntie Val & Uncle Ray xxx

  18. Thanks so much for keeping us informed about Swordfish's condition Kitten.

    The two of you have been so strong, for so long and the love you share a ray of light.

    As Changeling says, keep talking to him as Swordfish will hear you even when you think he cannot. Let him know that with words of wisdom you've both touched the lives of so many you have never even met and the courage you have displayed is inspirational in ways you cannot know.

    You're held close in my thoughts while thinking of you both and all who love you,

    per ardua ad astra

  19. Kitten.

    its all been said in the previous comments, but just wanted to add that both myself,and Mrs Paul The Banker are praying for you, and your family. You are an inspiration to many that you do not know.


  20. How green his valley was then
    This greatly admired and loved man
    Who once breathed fiery passion for life
    Until the day his vigour was spent
    And natures mighty reign wept
    Extinguishing his blistering flame
    And enveloped with peace all of his pain

    How Green his valley is now
    Elixir flowing through his veins
    Resurrecting passion in his heart
    Paradise now his destination
    Heavenly tenderness his for eternity

    God bless you all Lou & Stu xxxx

  21. kitten
    good luck for your future he will allways be with you
    david hoult
