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Friday 4 March 2011

Share the moment.....

Firstly, may I say a very big thank you to everyone who has left thoughts and comments. Our families have been deeply touched and comforted by them all. I keep reading them regularly - thank you.

This week has been a blurr of activities based around arrangements of the funeral. It has been arranged for Monday 7th March at 12.30pm.

Swordfish wasn't particularly religious but he was highly spiritual and I hope I have created a ceremony that is fitting.

I would like to ask you all to share the occasion by taking a moment on Monday to stop and think a while about someone past or present who has touched your lives as Swordfish did to me.

There will be a lot of love floating around that day xxx


  1. I am sure that we will all have someone past or present to whom we would wish to share a thought but we would also be privileged to share the moment wih you in memory of Rumps, who we have all grown to respect. Words are not sufficient. He was a BIG man.


    Oldiethesecond (iii BB)

  2. I only became aware of Swordfish and this blog by pure chance through the Barclays bulletin board on iii, when it was confirmed there was nothing else the doctors could do.

    Since then I have followed this blog regularly and have been humbled by the sheer honesty, fortitude and humanity of Swordfish. He came across, even to a stranger such as I, as an insightful, intelligent man who showed great courage in the face of insurmountable odds. The world could do with more people like him.

    I hope your memories will comfort you and your children over the months and years to come.


  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts during this difficult time

    At the Barc BB we will respect your wishes in memory of Rumps


  4. Holding you all in my prayers.
    God Bless you all

  5. Wish I could be there to pay my respects, as I worked with him a long time ago, and still have some contact with work colleagues, so hence I heard the news. Although sadly I left the UK a long time ago and am not in a position to come back at such short notice. So all the best and god bless for Monday, it will be a tough time.

  6. Hi Kitten
    I will certainly take time to think of Rumps and the rest of you on Monday alongside all of those I have loved and lost.
    I know in my heart that love cannot be torn apart forever and I know that you and I will see those we love again.
    Be strong and proud, you have your family and friends alongside you and your cyber friends will be supporting you with their invisible arms.
    Best wishes, as always
    Changeling x

  7. Dearest Kitten and family, take comfort in the fact that your beloved Swordfish will always be there to guide you ....he will be smiling on Monday and every to you all Lou & Stu xxxxx

  8. Thank you, Kitten. Having survived cancer twice, my thoughts will very much be with Rumps, you & the rest of his family on Monday, plus a number of other fine people who I got to know both in cancer treatment rooms & outside them, but who sadly never made it.

    The passing of those we love is always more than a very sad event; it's a process. Though over time that changes as it unfolds on many different levels, you may find that Rumps & his love for you remains a constant factor that always seem close by. I don't think one needs to be religious to feel this.

    A final thought: though in my experience the sadness of loss never completely goes away (& perhaps nor would we want it to), as difficult as it can be to believe it now, the day will come when all the happy, life-enriching, joyful times shared show an indomitable will to come to the forefront, thus restoring the light in your lives. - My best regards.

  9. Rest in peace, Rumps. God bless the family.

    WT Frost.

  10. Kitten,

    Will definitely be thinking of Rumps and few others close to me that have passed away over the last couple of years.

    God bless you and the children and may Rumps rest in peace.


  11. Much missed,Rest in Peace.

  12. Swordfish has been much in our thougths today. I hope it all went as well as can be expected. Big hugs to you Kitten, Boogle and Hufty and to your extended families.
    J, R, W, M (aka Speedy); WPFC U7's

  13. you kitten and the children have beeen in my thoughts today. a hard day for you all, give the boogle and hufty a hug from us all on the barc board, and one for you of course.
    your days will be hard for a while but time heals slowly, remember his laugh and love l found it always helped me
    god bless rumps
    barc board

  14. Kitten

    I hope today went as well as a day like this can go. I thought about you and Swordfish today, I spent the day at the hospital with my Dad who has the same condition that Swordfish had. A lot of memories came back today, I met the ambulance that took my Dad to A & E outside the hospital, I did the same thing about two years ago before my Mum died. So I thought a lot about my Mum and sat with my Dad whilst he had numerous tests carried out, and I thought about Swordfish and you and your family. I hope you have all your family and friends with you (I am sure you will have) you will need them to support you through the coming months, and of course you will need to support your children I am sure you are all missing him terribly. He will be looking down on you all and smiling. I know you said that he was very spiritual and so was my Mum and I find that aspect a great comfort, I hope you do too.
    My thoughts are with you. Rest in Peace Swordfish.
    Love S x

  15. That was one heck of a smile today!!!! Love to you all Lou & Stu xxxx

  16. Bless you Kitten, bless you and your family and Swordfish's parents and siblings.

    The sun shone again today - I'm sure it's him


  17. The day was hard but went well. The funeral service was not an easy thing to get through but it was a good one, full of love & respect & it celebrated my brother's life. The wake celebrated it in a different way.

    Thank you to everyone who came & all those that were there in spirit.

    May your soul rest in peace, Brother.

    -Tricky Crow

  18. Kitten

    I hope all went well yesterday - if "well" is a word that can be used at all!

    Please remember to ensure somehow that this blog is backed up and secure so that not only you have a "copy" of it, but hopefully it will also be possible to ensure that it endures for many many others who will be inspired as we have been!

    All the very best

