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Wednesday 9 March 2011

Cader Idris - An Invitation

I wonder if you would take a moment to read the entry

'at the peak - time to descent' dated Sat 8th May 2010

Cader Idris was a very special place to Swordfish and in this posting he mentioned a desire to return to Cader Idris when 'the dragon was slain'.

I would like to continue this wish - even though it will be under different circumstances.

I feel this would be the perfect resting place for Swordfish - a home coming unlike any other.

His wish was for anyone to join him on the journey and to share a pint. I too would like to extend this wish to you all.

Swordfish celebrated his birthday on August 19th. I am hoping to make the journey to scatter his ashes around this date. I will post final details at a later date.

You are all most welcome.

The dragon was mightier than the sword but the passion and the spirit will shine forever.


  1. Wouldn't miss it for the world. Impossible to combat how inadequate the English language when
    wishing to reach out, wanting to help, wanting to comfort and support, wanting to make everything OK.

    When words fail,it's nice to be able to act, and so it gives the greatest pleasure to accept the invitation, will be an honour to be there.


  2. When Swordfish first mentioned this, we discussed it with him and agreed that we would join him on this walk and now we would be honoured to do this, accompanying you on his last journey.

    Magic Coat and Young Aunt xx

  3. Hi Kitten.

    It would indeed be an honour to accompany you on that journey. Swordfish spoke with enthusiasm of how special that area was to him. My parents do not leave a million miles away and I remember making visits to that area on many occasions as a child.

    Kindest regards (EOT) III BB.

  4. Big Boss and I will be there and I am sure the sun will shine on....

  5. As I have said before `i don't know you and i hope you think its ok but I would really love to attend. I think its the most wonderful idea, and it would be a privilege to be there on the day.

    Please let me know if you feel it would be ok?

    Sue x

  6. Swordfish will be smiling down from his "giant chair"...move over Idris!!! We look out over the Snowdon wonderful to think Swordfish is there!! Love to you Kitten and family as always, you are in our thoughts daily Lou & Stu xxxxx

  7. Not as young as I used to be - shame 'cos I appreciate the invitation to celebrate Rump's life but not sure that I am able to follow the walk suggested. I would, however, be pleased to be included in any forwarded mail including directions, routes and timings so that I may be able to decide whether I can follow you or even meet at the bottom.

    Totally unknown to you or your family but just touched by the character of Rumps and also the strength of you, Kitten, in all you have had to endure.

    My only association to Rumps is via the iii board to which I have not contributed very often being a total pleb regarding investing, but continuously read entries by people like Rumps who spread a degree of Honesty, Wisdom and Technical knowledge.

    He will be certainly be missed by the likes of me.



  8. Hi Kitten
    You and the children Rumps mam and dad sister and all close family in our thoughts daily. Just to let you know after the day that was.We decided to go to Cader Idris where we layed daffodils at the base of this magical mountain if we had the breath and the weather we would have climbed to the peak. Love to you all Mr and Mrs butcher xxxxx

  9. Kitten, what a beautiful idea. Cader Idris is so fitting for a man with such strength of character to be laid to rest, a place once visited never forgotten. For those of us who cannot join you we will all be thinking about you on your journey of love.


  10. Hello Kitten

    I am sitting here looking out of my window its a lovely sunny day and I can see the new lambs in the field across the road. My Dad is getting more poorly now and its been a difficult couple of days. I was wondering how you are managing now that things have gone into a daily routine if you know what I mean. I hope you and your children are managing to find a way of coping with your grief and loss.
    I hope you can do a quick update at some point, I am sure lots of people are thinking of you and wondering about you.

    Very best wishes

    Sue x

  11. Hi there Kitten, just a note to say Happy Birthday and we are thinking of you as always, it may prove difficult but do hope that you will be surrounded by family and friends today...we found Justin's justgiving page and hope that it will add to your gifts today!!!! Good luck to Justin...hope the training is going well!! Love to you all Lou & Stu xxxx

  12. Hi Kitten,
    As mentioned on here with Rumps on 29th December.

    I completed the Cheshire Cat 100 mile bike ride on Sunday 27 March 2011. It was over 5,500 feet of climbs for the first 30 miles and very difficult. However, when the going got tough the inspiration I have found from this blog and the man himself kicked in making it seem inconsequential. The weather was kind to us and overall I enjoyed the experience. We also raised a reasonable amount for the Donna Louise Childrens Charity, so very worthwhile.

    Hope you, the kids and extended family are all bearing up well, my thoughts are with you all.

    Mick (Mugger)

  13. PS.........Just read the above, can someone please provide me a link to Justins justgiving page.

    Mick (Mugger)
