Video Bar


Thursday, 11 March 2010

Time for a Night Out

It is easy for the situation to become all consuming and forget that you have to make time to spend together outside the home as a couple.  Most of my recent free time has been spent with the kids. So my thanks to our friendly neighbourhood babysitter for making it possible for Kitten and I to go out tomrorrow night.

As I am not drinking it will mean that Kitten can let her hair down and have a few drinks if she likes.  Saucer of milk, anyone?

Nothing fancy going on, probably just tapas, but a chance for us to relax.

Kitten is pushing to get her new bedroom layout complete, so I feel sure that will be high on her agenda.  I'm not sure that I have ever seen anyone get so excited about cupboards, wallpaper and carpet!

1 comment:

  1. If I started to drink I doubt I would stop!

    It looks like tomorrow is non stop party - I am meeting with Sushi and Saucy for a girlie lunch then off out again in the eve with the Sword.

    A whole day without cooking. Fantastic!

    Oh! I nearly forgot that the two tiddlers will need sustainance.

    Hm? Mc'd?
