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Thursday, 18 March 2010

Endoscopic Ultrasound Ok

Whilst there is nothing remarkable about an endoscopic procedure, electing to take the previous one without sedation was a mistake.  Remember that the medics weren't looking for tumours in the oesophagus and the experience was not one of which I have fond memories.

The ultrasound version is slightly different because there is a probe on the end of endoscope that is wider so sedation is a given. That's a good job because bad memories evoke fear and as I was waiting from my appointment time of 8:45am until well after 10:00 Mr Fear was moving closer and closer from the bedside chair until he was perched next to me.  The mind can play tricks on you because there isn't really anything to be afraid of.  So I got a grip, sent Mr Fear packing and got on with the import business of spending a couple of hours being smashed on Pethidine and Midazolam.

The ultrasound wasn't a pleasant experience but the sedatives made a huge difference, which was important as the procedure was much longer than a standard one.

The results analysed the tumour in detail and it seems to be longer than earlier thought (10cm).  It was already known that there were other local malignancies but the endoscopy provided greater detail.

Crucially, the tumour is still deemed to be operable.


  1. Glad to here the news today about it being operable.Now lets get this rid of this free loader in your body,love you man.

  2. Thank you Sushi and Notoplip.

    There's a lot of love doing the rounds and it is great that everyone is sharing it.

    ****** Rocks back and forth with a garland around his neck whilst donning a pair of John Lennon glasses *******

  3. glad to see you sent Mr. Fear packing and got through your tough day - more glad to hear the news that it's operable.

    lots love Bee and Gang xx

    p.s as you can see i havn't quite got the hang of being a blogger yet. its all new to me and my earlier attempt failed miserably!

  4. This new technology seems a little faster than sending a message with an Ent. Sounds like a tough day but the results are positive. Good is a very relative word but it is good news about it being operable. At least you now have a clear sense of direction and can see what comes next.

  5. It's good to know that there are wizards and bees in the forest. The place wouldn't be the same without them.

    And, yes, there is some sunlight through the trees.
