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Saturday 6 August 2011

Scattering Ashes

I wrote an entry regarding a trip to Wales to scatter ashes. I must let you know that this has now changed.

After long deliberation, I have decided against a trip back to Wales for many personal reasons which I won't go into. Needless to say the decision has been very difficult as Swordfish had not made clear his wish for his ashes to be scattered in one particular place.

We have decided to visit the river Thames for a private, family occasion on 19th August which would have been Swordfish's 46th birthday. I don't think any one of us wants to do this and the children are struggling with the thought of letting go. Boogle Bunny especially. There will be no right way to perform the scattering, no right words to say. Just a group of people sharing their love and their loss of such a wonderful man.

I would like to thank you all for your wonderful messages of support and love. Knowing that we are thought of and watched over by so many is a great comfort.

So if you have a moment to stop, a thought or words to say, please do so on Friday 19th August and tell the people closest to you that you love them.

Time is precious.


  1. Hi Kitten

    What a difficult time for you. It will be a difficult day, and I guess you are not looking forward to at all.

    We are at the stage of sorting out all of my Mum and Dads possessions, some things are easy for my sisters and I to re-home between us as they have such sentimental value. Other things are harder to decide what to do with. I am the oldest sister and have always been seen as the strongest. I am not able to be strong about this, and I am finding it incredibly difficult at the moment. I think its my fear of letting go. I think I am desperately hanging on to anything I can. Everyone deals with these things in their own way,I am sure that Swordfish will approve of your decision. And I really hope that it all goes as well as it can. I will be thinking of you all on the 19th. Very Best Wishes, and stay strong. Sue x

  2. Hi

    Just popped in to see what was happening around the 19th as I do think about Swordfish and you all from time to time.

    I think your decision is absolutely fine. I shall be on Anglesey next week with my family and as we can see the Welsh mountains from the cottage I shall gaze across them on Friday and give a thought to the birthday boy; maybe even raise a glass in his direction.

    p.s. trading has been a bit interesting of late; I bet he would have had a lot to say about the current state of the world's finances.

    Best wishes. Hang in there and good luck for the 19th.

  3. Will be thinking of you all tomorrow (as well as today!)

    Take care / Ibanez

  4. I will definitely be thinking of you all tomorrow. Carole x

  5. We are with you all today and to you all Lou & Stu xxxxxxxx

  6. To Kitten and all of Swordfish's family just a short note to say that one of your cyber friends is thinking of you all today on his birthday.
    I expect it is a kind of bittersweet day, remembering with love the man you all adored and the sadness of knowing that he is no longer with you all in this life.
    But I do believe that although you may not be able to see him he is still with you by your side.
    Remember those moments when you laughed together, the happy times when life felt golden and blow a kiss into the night sky for him to catch and hold against his face.
    Changeling x

  7. Kitten, Boogle and Hufty - thinking of you all (and your extended family) today, and remembering Swordfish fondly. Big hugs.
    J, R, W, M (ex WPFC U7's) xxxx

  8. Thinking of you all today.
    Be very brave and try and think only of the happy times.

    Swordfish is with you.

    I guess you will all be exhuasted when you get home, so be easy on yourselves.
    Love Sue x

  9. There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief…and unspeakable love.
    — Washington Irving

  10. Been thinking of you all today, love and hugs as always
    Rachel and Justin xxxxxx

  11. Kitten & family, thinking of you all today Karen & Peter xxxxx
