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Saturday 20 August 2011

19th August 2011

Yesterday we met at the riverside to say our farewell to Swordfish.

The sun shone beautifully.

I found a poem which I felt defined many a thought and feeling.

'You can shed tears that he is gone
or you can smile because he has lived.

You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back
or you can open your eyes and see all he has left.

Your heart can be empty because you cannot see him
or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember him and only that he has gone
or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.'

The children and I sat by the water's edge and scattered his ashes into the water and our small gathering of family and friends put beautiful red roses into the river.

There were tears, a few jolly memories but above all much love for someone so special.

The river holds many memories and now it will grow bigger and more proud as it carries Swordfish away onto his next journey.


  1. Dear Kitten
    A beautiful poem, I hope the words help you and I hope you can in time do all of those things .
    There is something peaceful about being by a river, a place that feels like it has no beginning and no end.
    What a perfect choice.
    Changeling x

  2. I hope you get through this ok, there will be tears for many years, the love will never be forgotten, and over time those tears will turn to laughter as you recall all the good things that happened, and all the great things he was. Your kids will give you strength, and you will give them strength. Keep busy, keep remembering, and keep loving as i am sure swordfish is looking down, and loving you just as much now as ever.


  3. I hope you and the children are bearing up and finding your way through. It sounds like it was an emotional but lovely day. Take it a day at a time and keep your chin up.
    Sue x

  4. Hello Kitten, thought I'd browse the blog for whatever reason. Must have been the advert for the rugby world cup I've just seen & I thought of Swordfish. I was thinking of him on the 19th. Wish you & the family all the best.
    regards STE x

  5. Hope you are all finding a way forward. I am sure its a roller coaster of emotions with good days and bad days. Thinking about you all, and sending you good wishes. Sue x

  6. Just passing by and thought of you and the children. This book left here for all to read is indeed a strength to all who have similar heartaches and feel alone especially now Christmas is coming. You are united with so many through your loss and no one who has read this will forget you.



  7. Dear Kitten
    Today was a most beautiful autumn day, the trees in all their hues were magnificent. I remembered days as a child spent walking in the woods on a Sunday with my parents and it made me think of you and the children.
    So just a little message to let you know that in cyber space we are still thinking of you and wishing you well x

  8. Well you were obviously tuning in as we (Kitten, children, Tricky Crow & Professor Dumbeldore) all went walking/running/climbing in the woods yesterday in the autumn sunshine.

    Tricky Crow

  9. Thinking of you all with all our love lou & Stuart xxx

  10. Just been thinking about you all and realising how close to christmas it is - thinking of you and sending you our very best wishes for the christmas and new year period.
    J, R, W, & M (ex WPU7's)

  11. It's Christmas Day today and I raised my glass in a quiet toast to all the people we have loved.
    I always think they are with us, smiling quietly, just a heartbeat away.
    My very best wishes to you all
    Changeling x

  12. All the best to you all at christmas. i struggled to the top of snowdon today, there was no view i'm afraid - the weather was appalling. Swordfish kept me going to the top.

    Obmil x.

  13. All the best to your family for 2012.. I hope you can move on and not forget.
    Thankyou "rumplestiltskin"
    Regards oddballl

  14. Dear Kitten and family

    So now it is 2012. May you look forwards with optimism for the New Year whilst still looking backwards to cherished happy memories.
    You may not see him but you have all been loved and he loves you still.
    Changeling x

  15. please let us know how you are getting on....xxxxx lou xxx

  16. To Kitten and Family
    Thinking of you today...
    Love Bron in NZ

  17. Dear Kitten & kids. Thinking of you & the rest of our family today. At the moment the sun is shining for Swordfish.
    Lots of love from Tricky Crow. xxx

  18. Thinking of you today. Sunshine here too.


  19. There were (at a minimum) 28 people today on iii, thinking of you all on this day.

  20. Dear Kitten and family
    Was lovely to see you last weekend - big hugs for what must have been a difficult week.
    Thinking of you all
    J, R, W & M
    ex w-park under 7's.

  21. Just popped in, hope you are well and keeping looking forward as well as back.

    From a BB reader who thinks of you and your family every now and again.

    Be well
